Happy Memorial Day!
Today is Memorial Day when we honor those who have given their lives that we might enjoy freedom. I hope none of us ever take their sacrifice for granted.
Today is Memorial Day when we honor those who have given their lives that we might enjoy freedom. I hope none of us ever take their sacrifice for granted.
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The boys are not very happy with Mom these days. Since we have not caught the poisonous snake that bit Roy, Mom has not taken the boys out of the pen. Every morning after our walk, grooming, and breakfast, they stand at the door waiting to go play fetch. They wait to no avail. I am as afraid for myself as I am for them. No playing outside the fenced area until Mr. Snake is found and disposed of!
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The boys again gave me a lovely Hydrangea for Mother's Day. I hope it lasts as long as the one from last year! I love BLUE!
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We had a very harrowing night on Sunday. I had just come home from a concert and Phil was in the utility room holding Roy. He said that he thought a snake had bitten him while Roy was out in the yard. Phil went hunting for the snake but couldn't find it. By the time he came back, Roy was obviously in distress. I changed clothes and we took him to the UGA Vet Emergency Clinic since our local Vet was obviously closed on a Sunday night. (Why do these things always occur after hours?) We waited at the ER for 3 hours while Roy was observed and treated. They wanted to keep him overnight to make sure that the swelling did not close off his wind pipe, but we decided to bring him home. Phil stayed up all night keeping a watchful eye on him. Monday morning I took him to our local Vet who said he was obviously bitten by a venomous snake. She gave him another shot and put him on antibiotics since the venom can destroy tissue which in turn can become infected. He was bitten on his chin and you can see the two puncture marks where they shaved his chin. It looks like it must have been a fairly large snake from the width of the fang marks. Today (Wednesday), Roy is much better. The swelling has gone down enough to where you CAN see the fang marks, which you couldn't on Sunday night. He is eating and acting normally now.
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We participated for the third year in the annual "Relay for Life" to raise money for cancer research. There are absolutely no pets allowed, or we would have taken Andy and Roy. We really don't consider them "pets," but members of our family, but unfortunately other people see them only as "pets." They both have certainly been a source of joy and support during my cancer battle. As you can see from the picture, there are luminaries all along the track course labeled "in honor of" or "in memory of" loved ones. As we "survivors" walk the track we are encouraged on in our journey with cheering and clapping. It is a very moving experience.
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