The girls couldn't come for Thanksgiving, so we invited some other folks who were "family-less" for Thanksgiving too. We spared a turkey's life and had only veggies. The dressing didn't have enough broth and was too dry, but other than that, the food was passable. Alas, we have done better. What with going to New York and St. Simons' for several years, sort of got out of practice of making good dressing. The boys enjoyed themselves, though. They didn't like getting banished during the meal to avoid tripping someone or getting stepped on, but they got to greet and mingle before and after the meal. Andy even got to "show off" his animal fetching prowess. Roy was frustrated that he didn't get to show off his tricks, but they are all running and fetching,which is kind of difficult in the living room. I hope everyone had a sumptuous meal and good company for the holiday; for we all have much for which to be grateful.