Corneal dystrophy/Lipid keratopathy
This Spring has been a terrible year for pollen. I was constantly cleaning the "boogers" out of Andy and Roy's eyes. However, Roy's left eye seemed much worse. He had secretions running down the side of his face. When he didn't get any better, I took him to our local Vet. She prescribed steroids for a week. When we went back, there was no change, so off to a vet ophthalmologist. $300 poorer, we find he has a genetic condition called both corneal dystrophy or lipid keratopathy. He is on three medications at the moment to try and clear up the irritation in his eye. I think he will have to be on medication for the rest of his life. It is rare for this disease to cause blindness, so I am hoping we can keep it in check.
Because Phil was at the dentist and Andy has never been alone without Roy or one of us, I took Andy to the eye appointment too. When I put Roy up on the examining table, I told Andy to sit. He sat by my chair and DID NOT MOVE! He did not lie down or move a muscle the whole time Roy was being examined. The doctor said she wanted me to take her dogs home with me to train them. I told her, it wasn't so much my training, as Andy was scared to death he might be next!
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