
Spring flowers

It is not officially Spring yet, but we are starting to see signs that it is coming. I have flowering pink/white peach blooms (very fitting for the peach state), quince, and forsythia. Saturday morning the boys and I walked up the street to a pottery sale and bought my pretty blue bowl/vase. As usual, the boys garnered lots of attention from their admiring public. Roy eats it up and Andy tolerates it. Andy is pretty much aloof when it comes to strangers. He has to check them out first and make sure they are worthy of his attention. Roy just loves everybody and takes attention wherever it is available.


Anonymous said...

i like your bowl! is is the same inside or darker? did you go to the art sale in the old kindergarten place that m&i went to with you a few years ago?

sheltiemom said...

No, the bowl is dark on the inside and we bought it up the street from our house.